Site menu Touch Fin extension for Chrome and Edge

Touch Fin extension for Chrome and Edge

WARNING - obsolete product!

This extension is being sunset, the reason being the Chrome Extension Store is no longer processing payments for paid extensions after February 2021.

It is still in 'published' state, so existing users can still find, use and install the extension. The sale price has been set very high to discourage new purchases.


The calculator is offered as a Chrome/Edge extension which runs in a desktop window and works offline. It runs in all platforms that can run Chrome or Edge.

Figure 1: Calculator running in an extension window
Figure 2: How to open the extension

The extension supports two input methods: mouse and keyboard. The same keyboard shortcuts accepted in the Web version also work here.

Sharing memory and programs

You can save the memory contents to text files, share them, and/or reload them later. Touch around the left and right areas of the LCD to save and load, respectively.

Figure 3: Click around the red area to save memory to a text file. Click around the green area to load a memory from a file.

These files can be shared with the Web version. The Android and iOS will support memory sharing in the near future.

Privacy policy

Check out the Privacy Policy page for this extension.